CONSULTANTS advising local authorities on health issues have disputed claims by the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Trust that treatment in Oxford would be cheaper and safer than at the Horton Hospital in Banbury.

The ORH Trust is making cutbacks to wipe out a £33m budget deficit, but claims that reducing services at the Horton and sending patients to the John Radcliffe in Oxford would result in safer healthcare.

Consultants Durrow Ltd, which advises NHS trusts across the UK, were commissioned by Cherwell District Council to look into statements made by the ORH Trust concerning proposed changes to services at the Horton.

A report from Durrow, discussed by Cherwell's executive on Monday, says the transfer of services to Oxford would result in clinically worse outcomes for patients. The report said: "The shift of services to Oxford would represent a significant worsening of patient outcomes.

"We cannot see how the JR would cope with the transfer of the emergency trauma service when the ORH Trust is already under considerable operating pressure.

A spokesperson for the ORH Trust said: "It is a pity the consultants did not approach us, as we could have corrected many of their points. Some of their report shows a clear misunderstanding."