A BABY and toddler group in Aynho has vacancies for its Thursday morning sessions because of a shortage of village children of the right age.

The group, Wiggles and Giggles, cares for 0 to 5-year-olds, and helper Tiggy Atkinson said: "We would love to raise awareness of our group and welcome more people.

"We are a really friendly group who meet once a week during term time from 9.30am to 11.30am. We have a special area for babies and hundred of toys for toddlers.

"Each session includes play, with good quality age-appropriate toys, singing - using musical instruments, art and crafts including messy play, and snack time for the children and adults.

She added: "We are a volunteer group of mums who run the group on a non-profit basis for any and all local children.

"We aim to give mums, dads, and carers the opportunity to relax while their children enjoy a whole range of different toys in a clean and safe environment."

The sessions are in Aynho village hall - opposite the Cartwright Arms on the main road through Aynho - and the session fees are £1 per adult plus child and 50p for each additional child. Parents can call in or contact Mrs Atkinson on 01869 811065.