TOWNSPEOPLE should find out within a month if a distinctive art deco office building and gate post will be saved from demolition.

Banbury town councillors led a bid to get the office building and gate post at the former Alcan site in Southam Road listed by English Heritage.

The organisation lists buildings of historical significance to ensure they are protected for future generations.

A second application by Banbury Civic Society to get the whole site listed has failed.

The former Alcan buildings date back to the 1930s when the aliminium firm was one of the town's largest employers. It was also a key provider of aliminium during the war. It was used to build Spitfire planes.

But the 48-acre site is set to be sold off and, if buildings are not listed, any potential developer could demolish the site and the distinctive buildings would be lost forever.

Banbury Town Council leader Kieron Mallon, who set up the Built Heritage Working Party in a bid to get English Heritage listing, said he believed the buildings were architecturally important to the town.

He said: "We hope English Heritage see the value of these important local buildings. Not only are they important to Banbury but they were vital in this country's war effort.

"If this plant hadn't been in full production in the early stages of the war we would not have had aircraft and munitions we needed that gave us vital breathing space leading up to the Battle of Britain.

"We would hope that English Heritage do list the office buildings as they are lovely art deco buildings which are still fit for purpose and are used as offices to this day.

"I would hope anyone who buys the site would realise the local importance of the memorial garden and gate house and would incorporate them as a focal point and gateway feature into Banbury from the north of the town."

A decision on the office block and gatehouse is likely to be made within the next month. The council cannot appeal English Heritage's decision.