THE welcome sight of some small barbel featured in Kidlington AS’s Wayne Hagar Memorial Trophy on the Cherwell.

Due to predation, barbel numbers have been in decline in Oxfordshire’s rivers, but there were encouraging signs last week.

Winner Dave Pether caught three of them in his 5.9.0 bag on pole and caster, while Henry Clarke had 4.12.0 of small fish on stick float and maggot.

Dave Scott-Picton was third with 4.6.0 on stick and caster. Eleven fished.

The 11th match of the 2012 Carp League was fished by 16 anglers at Boddington Reservoir , near Banbury, where a strong wind blowing across the lake and driving rain made conditions tough.

Andy Benwell (Predator) led the way with 153.0.0, comprising 18 carp up to 12lb to keep him at the top of the league with three matches to go.

He fished pellet feeder at around 40 yards with 8mm pellet on the hook.

Martin Robinson caught at range using the method feeder and groundbait, with boilie hookbait, catching carp up to 10lb for a second-placed 126.12.0.

Matt Ryman (Predator) also caught on method feeder with a double 11mm pellet for an all-carp catch of 112.0.0.

Current standings: 1 A Benwell 26pts, 2 A Wiffen 28, 23 C Partridge 36.

North Oxford AS took on Charlbury on the Thames at Carrots Ham, where North Oxford’s Maurice Winstone led them home with roach on maggot over groundbait for 5.12.8.

Using similar tactics, Charlbury’s Mark Taylor was a close second with 5.8.0, while third place went to John Coleman (North Oxford), who caught roach on maggot over hemp for 4.1.0.

Charlbury won overall with 16.8.8 to North Oxford’s 14.15.8.

The annual Abingdon Mayor’s Cup was fished on Monday by 34 anglers on the Thames through Abingdon town centre.

The river had a nice flow and was carrying a tinge of colour, and some cracking roach to over a pound were caught.

Matt Herbert (Drennan Banbury Gunsmiths) was pegged opposite the swimming pool and caught roach on a 13m pole with caster over groundbait for a winning 28.8.0 John Hassler (1Isis) was only just behind with 28.4.0 of roach, also on pole and caster.

Bob Cosbie (Abingdon) had 25.14.0 from ‘dace corner’ on stick float and maggot for third.

OTHER RESULTS Tackley Estates AC: Club match, Stable Lake, Kirtlington, 10 fished) 1 M Merry 94.10.0 (carp, legered pellet & caster), 2 S Malone 91.0.0 (carp, method, meat & pellet), 3 F Malone 55.0.0 (carp, method, pellet & dead maggot).

Marston AC FTB: Fred Taylor Cup, Rollers/Dead stream of Cherwell) 1 S Tompkins 5.14.0 (small perch & roach, pole, red maggot over hemp), 2 I Madden (Browning Andover MG) 4.4.0 (roach & skimmers, pole), 3 P Clarke 4.12.0. 10 fished).