Anglers returned to fishing rivers again at the weekend as a new coarse season got under way.

As expected, the recent rain made it tough going on some stretches and a coloured and fast Thames was particularly difficult, but its tributaries fished a little better.

North Oxford AS were on a rapid Cherwell at Wolfson College, where Steve Foster triumphed with an impressive 24.0.0 of skimmers and bream on maggot.

John Coleman was second with 7.15.0 of skimmers and bream, again on maggot, while third-placed Maurice Winstone caught skimmers and perch on pinkie for 5.8.0.

By contrast, under 2lb was enough to win the Tackley Estates’ First Chance Shield on the Cherwell at Hog’s Bottom.

Stephen Malone had a rare but welcome 1lb trout in his winning 1.5.0, fishing maggot and pole.

Anthony Alder caught 0.14.4 of bits for second and Geoff Broome was third with 14oz. Fourteen fished.

Kidlington AC held an open match on their Grovelands stretch of Oxford Canal, which fished well for the five anglers.

Winner Jason Bean had 11.0.0, comprising a chub and bits, followed by Giles Cuss with 7.4.0 of skimmers and roach, and Terry Lester with 3.2.0 of bits.

The new Oxford Summer League starts tomorrow and the first practice was held last Sunday on a coloured but dropping Medley stretch of the Thames.

This shallow part of river was on song, and every section was won with more than 20lb.

Tony Hobbs (Drennan Banbury Gunsmiths) caught 40.8.0 of bream on feeder and worm from Perch Bay to top the 34-strong field.

Swindon Talismen’s Pete Townsend also caught bream on the feeder for a second-placed 29.3.0, ahead of Geoff Lewendon (Drennan Banbury Gunsmiths).

The ODAA Alliance carp match at Marlborough Pool was won by Adam Bamsey with two fish for 34.1.0.

Matt Green caught the biggest specimen of 20.2.0, while Mikey Harkness had an 18-pounder and Geoff Waddle a fish of 14.12.0.

It proved quite a lively match in the strong wind with two trees being blown down, fortunately away from the 11 anglers.


Sutton Courtenay AC: (Short Memorial, 9 fished) 1 I Higgins 10.4.0, 2 B Gosbee 9.7.0, 3 G Stafford 6.4.0.

Benson AC: (Club, match, Thames at Benson, 4 fished): 1 M Marriott 3.13.0 (roach & perch, feeder), 2 R Dandridge 1.15.0.

Panshill: (Saturday, Pans Lake, 12 fished) 1 G Knight 73.3.0, 2 S Rich 69.10.0, 3 R Guppy (Acorn/Panshill) 65.13.0.

Panshill: (Sunday, Wood Lake,18 fished) 1 P Dann 58.2.0, 2 J Rogers (Frenzee) 56.2.0, 3 J Amersham (Panshill) 51.15.0.