The Angling Trust have come out firmly against plans for a £1m hydro-electric generator on the Thames in Abingdon, which has just been granted a licence by the Environment Agency.

The power plant will be at Abbey Meadows, between the Mill Stream and the Thames, close to the weir where three turbines could be built if the scheme gets planning permission.

The Trust have consistently opposed such schemes because of the damage caused to already fragile fish stocks, including threatened species such as salmon, sea trout and eels.

They claim the Environment Agency are working with the hydropower industry and have identified no fewer than 26,000 sites which they consider are suitable for development.

Now the Trust are calling on members to object to planning applications and have provided a guide to making an objection on their website.

Angling Trust chief executive Mark Lloyd said: “The Trust is not opposed in principle to hydropower, but we will object to any applications which could damage fisheries and angling, and will support member organisations and riparian owners in dealing with applications.

“We call on the nation’s anglers to stand up and be counted to defend their fish and their fishing.”

A brown trout weighing 15.8.0 was the pick of the fish caught from Lechlade Trout Fishery.

It came from Lechlade Lake, where 244 rods caught 397 fish, averaging 8lb. Alex Booty had the largest fish and he also had another brown of 8lbs 10.0oz.

On Bushyleaze Lake, 488 anglers caught 1,753 fish, with an average weight of 3.2.0. Best fish went to George Waters, from Bolton, at 9.12.0.

There were 97 fish caught over 7lbs, while the heaviest six-fish limit was 37lb.

l PLACES are available for a fly-fishing course for beginners at Farmoor Reservoir, near Oxford, next Saturday. Ring 07747 640707 to book a place.