Oxford City boss Mike Ford has given a stark warning to any potential players wanting a lucrative pay-day to think again.

Although he is keen to add to the squad following their elevation to Conference North, Ford said he would not be breaking the bank.

“I have had more text messages and phone calls than ever from from players interested in coming here,” he said.

“They might think we have lots of money, but we haven’t.

“Any players who think they can come along here for a big pay-day have got another thing coming.

“We have got what we have got. Our budget wasn’t the biggest last season and it won’t be this time.

“We like to operate with old-fashioned values here. If people want a wage rise, they have to prove to me that they are good enough to get one.

“I have to be realistic and understand the stature of the club and where it is in the (non-league) pyramid and it’s long-term future.

“I don’t expect to get any more money, so I will have to move it around a bit.”

Ford says he had targeted the departments that needed strengthening.

“I do think we need a bit more experience upfront,” he added.

“We have Felipe Barcelos, Aaron Woodley and Conor McDonagh, but they are just kids.

“When we were without Steve Basham (due to a hamstring injury), we had our two worst months of the season.

“We need someone up there who is big and strong.

“I think this year we are prepared to wait to bring in new signings. I’m going to take my time and get the right one.”

Ford says that his side will not just be in Conference North to make up the numbers.

“I don’t want us to be rabbits in the headlights – we are going to do things properly.

“If people think we are going to be country bumpkins from Oxford, they have got it wrong. We are going to give it a right good go.

“By the time the season starts, all my players, substitutes and management are going to be massively up for it.”