Oxfordshire ace Deta Hedman will have a point to prove when she toes the oche in the women’s quarter-finals against Wales’s Rhian Edwards at Frimley Green tonight (6.30).

For the 52-year-old reached her lowest ebb since taking up the tungsten when crashing out 2-0 to Edwards in the semi-finals last year – without winning a leg.

It came against the background of her fighting for her job as a postal worker – an appeal she subsequently won.

She admitted at the time: “I was so down I considered packing the game in.

“The body is getting older and aches and pains are more regular, but I need to get back to Lakeside and at least put up a reasonable show.”

And having decided to carry on, Hedman went on to enjoy a highly successful 2011, winning a string of titles, including the Poland Open, German Open, Welsh Open and Belgium Open, before ending the year by taking the Zuiderduin Masters in Holland.

Hedman, who lives at Witham, Essex, was also called up by England for the first time in 14 years, and won the women’s pairs title at the World Cup with Trina Gulliver in County Mayo, Northern Ireland.

Her successes have seen her elevated to No 1 seed for her third crack at the world title.

And having failed to do herself justice 12 months ago, she now has the chance to set the record straight.



6pm: L Farlam (Eng) v K Lawman (Eng) 6.30pm: D Hedman (Eng) v R Edwards (Wal).


5.30pm: T Gulliver (Eng) v L Ashton (Eng).


5.30pm: J Gore (Wal) v A Dobromyslova (Russ).