SOPHIE Carter’s impressive victory in the Abingdon Marathon nearly didn’t happen, the 32-year-old Woodstock ace has revealed.

With her army husband, Neil, away on a training exercise, Carter was anxiously waiting for him to return home from Sunday morning to allow her to get to the start line.

Carter said: “I wasn’t sure if I’d make it.

“Because Neil was away and I have a little girl to look after, it was touch and go that I was going to make the start line, but thankfully he got home in time.”

Carter, who is a personal trainer, was delighted with her performance.

“I knew I was fourth or fifth early on, but I just took it easy and went at my own pace.

“I just felt really strong and was hoping I could maintain that.

“I actually felt alright at the end, and I recovered pretty quickly.

“I was definitely ready for the finish though, and was delighted with the win.”