I WAS fishing the Royalty stretch of the Hampshire Avon last Thursday when we had all that rain, writes ANDY WEBBER.

There were flash floods in nearby Bournemouth as it came down like stair rods and seemed to last for hours, accompanied by thunder and lightning.

The river came up well over a foot, but it was not the extra water that caused problems, more the amount of rubbish coming down.

It was impossible to keep a bait out as weed wrapped its self around the line.

I did manage to catch an immaculate 2.10.0 perch, which saved a soggy day.

  • ACORN Angling’s new shop opens in Brasenose Road, Didcot, next Tuesday with special deals on the day.

There is plenty of free car parking.

  • IF you have any news, views or photos, you can contact me on 01865 725606 or email agw@awebber20.orangehome.co.uk