Oxfordshire gained an encouraging seven-shot victory over Wiltshire in their Middleton Cup trtial at Wootton Bassett on Sunday.

In a tight contest throughout, Oxon's biggest victory came from the rink skipped bvy Ryan Buckett, who stormed home by 11 shots.

Oxon's other wins came from Baden Sparks and Mark Charlett, while Gary Lucas went down by just one shot.

Oxfordshire 115, Wiltshire 108

Oxon rinks first)

Rink 1: M Nash, I Henwood, L Campion, G Lucas 18; W Snook, N Grenfell, K Oliver, D Snell 19.

Rink 2: J Philpott, N Lewis, C Whitehead, M Charlett 17, J Ford, J Roy, I White, K Hutchens 13.

Rink 3: J Gamage, B Lambourne, R Hewson, H Watts 15, M Richards, V Williams, B Gadd, N Smith 20.

Rink 4: A Wise, S Timms, R Clanfield, R Buckett 23, J Thomas, R Petrie, M Crook, G Hatherall 12.

Rink 5: R Clanfield, S Richens, M Sykes, B Sparkes 22, T Walkley, R Clewes, T Bailey, S Snell 16.

Rink 6: N Welsh, K Holloway, Geo Moon, C Carpenter 20, L Meehan, M Savin, S Heseltine, R Francis 26.


OMAR Sharif, of Oxford City and County, kept his cool to beat arch rival Mike Philpott of Oxford and District 2118 to win the Oxfordshire Indoor men's singles final.

The County Pairs turned out to be a one-sided contest in which Banbury's Calvin Carpenter and Alan Bradley cruised to a 3010 over the father-and-son combination of Dick and Shaun Claridge, of Oxford and District.

Banbury retained both the triples and fours titles.

Will Campion, Keith Holloway and Mark Sykes beat Oxford and District's Barry Foster, Norman Rae and Roy Pyniger 19-11, and together with John Tee, came back from 20-10 down after 15 ends to win 26-20 against Oxford and District's Brian Salsbury, John Philpott, Dale Hall and Chris Allen.