Henley Hawks were denied a losing bonus point by a controversial penalty try in a battling 36-25 defeat at Ealing in National 2 South.

Hawks captain Matt Payne bagged the second of a brace of tries late on, but this was only a consolation after referee Richard Parker-Sedgemore penalised full back Ralph Smith for impeding Philip Chesters’s chase to the ball.

Henley felt aggrieved, but fly half Ben Ward converted for 36-20, which ensured the visitors wenthome empty-handed.

Two penalties from fly half Will Fulton, either side of a drop goal from Ward, gave Henley a 6-3 lead.

Ealing’s Marcus Butcham notched, then Ward converted a second try by Chesters.

Chesters was yellow-carded for impeding wing Dave Birtwhistle and Henley used their advantage as lock Oliver Atkinson scored, Fulton converting.

The second half saw Henley concede tries to flanker David Essien and wing Bryan Young, Ward converting both.

In between, Payne bagged his first from a rolling maul, after former Hawks lock James Winterbottom had been yellow-carded, Fulton converting.

The penalty try came on 72 minutes, while Hawks wing Will Jones went close near the end.