The final match in the Carp League 2009 was fished by 21 at a below-par Drayton Leisure, and although the winner of the series was decided the previous week, Andy Benwell (Predator) landing the title, there were still other places up for grabs.

The winner on Sunday was Steve Johnson (Maggots End), who caught nine carp worth 80.10.0. He landed fish of 10.11.0, 15.3.0 and 20.12.0, all taking maggot fished tight to the edge.

Derek Hammond (Banbury Gunsmiths Garbolino) used corn to the rushes and put 39 small carp on the scales for a second-placed 76.14.0, followed by Steve Bartrum, who had 54.13.0 of carp on paste at six metres.

Final points: A Benwell (Predator) 18, N Dean (Maggots End) 32, M Ryman (Predator) 32, M Lane (Swindon) 32, S Johnson (Maggots End) 32 (decided on weight).

Andy Benwell has done a grand job in organising the series and names are being taken for next year. You can sign up by contacting Andy on 07834 950790.

The third round of Littlemore’s Aggregate Cup was fished at College Farm, and Brian Hutchings made it two wins out of three in the series to claim the silverware.

The fishing was hard and an awkward wind made the long pole even more difficult.

Hutchings fished tight to the far bank and had 11 carp on banded pellet for 51.3.0.

Barry Wise was second with nine carp on pole and corn going 35.10.0, while Gerald Perks netted five carp on the feeder with pellet for a third-placed 15.15.0.

Final positions: B Hutchings 166.11.0, B Wise 135.5.0, T Norton 96.11.0.

Kinloch AC went over to Milton Pools for a club match fished by 22 and there were plenty of fish to be had.

Using a pole and alternating between chopped worm and pellet, Phil Weston was the winner with 43.8.0 of carp.

Runner-up with 38.9.0 was Wayne Gray, who also fished the pole with either chop or pellet, while third place was taken by Carl Mills, who weighed in 36.8.0 of carp on corn and pellet.

Last Sunday was the annual outing for Oxford Waltonians, who took on Masons at Grimsbury Reservoir. In all, there were 22 anglers fishing.

Masons were also fishing their sixth-round points match, which turned out to be a struggle with eight anglers not bothering to weigh in.

At the final whistle, Pete Callaghan won easily with a catch of ten bream on corn and pellet, backed up with some perch, for 35.6.0.

Jason Smith had six bream on feedered corn and worm for 18.12.0 to take second.

John Talbot was the only angler to get a bite from those drawn in the high numbers, his one bream of 3.10.0 enough for third spot.

The Waltonian match was won by Smith, who fishes for both clubs. Second with 8.15.0 was Tony Gee (Acorn Ang-ling), who fished a cage feeder with corn and worm to land two bream and perch, followed by Paul Bowers with 7.8.0 of bream and perch.

There was a fair turn-out of 13 for Yarnton’s Roach Cup on the Thames at Yarnton Meadow.

Nick Collier came in first off peg one with 9.1.0 of bits fishing the pole at nine metres. His net included 4.11.0 of roach, which was enough to take the cup.

Jason Jones had 5.9.0 of bits on pole and maggot for second, followed by Pete Oliver with 4.11.8.

Kidlington’s Fred Taylor Cup was fished by 13 at Bullingdon Lake, which had scum on the top which even the ducks didn’t like.

Jason Bean again took the honours with a net of roach, skimmers and crucian carp on maggot and pellet for 7.15.0.

Fishing to the island, Henry Clarke was close behind with 7.0.0 of carp and tench on maggot and pellet, while Dave Britnell alternated between maggot and chopped worm for 5.4.0 of perch and roach.

The Cherwell is well down at Oxford Bus AC’s ‘School Waters’, but it’s still producing some fish.

Pete Clarke returned a winning 6.13.0 of perch, roach and bleak on caster and maggot from a peg not normally used.

Anthony Tompkins had problems with two pike in his swim, but still found a few roach and perch on caster for a second-placed 5.6.0.

Sat next to the winner, George Kingston fished worm over chop to catch perch and roach for a third-placed 4.3.0.

The Thames at Benson was at a standstill and as clear as gin for Benson’s Bill Biggs Memorial which was a float-only match fished by eight anglers.

The top three were all very close, but at the final whistle, Dave Head emerged the winner with 5.5.0 of roach and perch on maggot or worm.

Mick Marriott finished second with 5.3.0 of roach and perch, while net of perch weighing 4.15.0 on the pole and chopped worm earned Lol Budd third place.