7.45: Farloe Vision, Newlawn Emperor 2, Woodbrook Fancy 3, Valleymount Pat, WOOD NODDY, Indigo Joe.

8.00: Burbank Posh, Kereight Gold 3, Dillinger, FRISKY GEEZER, Scarlett Otara, Call Danny 2.

8.15: Avit, Malbay Elite, Droopys Eamonn, Pawseys Pride 3, Klein, Isle Of Tara 2.

8.30: Valarah, Glin Algarve 3, Rooskey Rascal, KNOCKANAE SLIPPY, Ardmayle Polly, Driving Up Bill 2.

8.45: Elegant Mist 3, DUNBOLG YORBA, Tuttles Train 2, Mikes Swift, Reenview Kate, Brother Charlie.

9.00: Forest Wendy, SOBER TED, Lahana Premier, Ladys Isle, Josie Supreme 2, Nikitas Tree 3.

9.15: Glowing Prospect, Montgomery Blue 2, Rollon September 3, Nightfire Onyx, KILLISHIN SIXTY, Canned Heat.

9.30: Rookies Hawk, Risky Annie 2, DONEGAL JOY, Wide Jo, Call It Betty 3, The Enforcer.

9.45: Match 2, Game Max, Stafford Dreams, Smooth Henry 3, Kilmore Radar, Fathers Dream.

10.00: Special Image, Firelikeafox, Steel Diamond, LAZY JIM, Kilgraney Saidso 2, Quarrymount Dubh 3.

10.15: Easter Dolly 3, Positive Step, Maldini Returns, NIKITAS ROSE, Agent Ben 2, Jo Jo Go.

10.30: Broadacres Elite, SPARTA DOUGHNUTS, Nightfire Zircon, Milton Cooper, Nikitas Super 3, Liskee Direct 2.

Nap: Lazy Jim.