ANDY Shellard, from Oxford, set a new carp record at Linch Hill, near Standlake, when he ban-ked the huge carp known as ‘The ‘Hamster’ weighing 47.2.0.

But that wasn’t all. In a remarkable session, he also caught mirror carp of 33.4.0, 32.4.0, 29.8.0 and 28.8.0, plus commons of 33.12.0, 30.8.0, 26.6.0 and 23lb.

When he arrived at the big-fish water, he found most swims were already taken, so settled into a swim and did a bit of stalking.

Later on, when things quietened down, he moved into a swim where fish were showing and quickly landed a couple.

The following morning he had a slow take and was into the new record and personal best, which put up a good scrap and took 25 minutes to land.

All the fish fell to Carp Company Icelandic Red boilies fished on a ‘chod rig’ about 60 yards out on a silted area. All his fish were landed on a size 8 ESP Stiff Rigger hook and 15lb Bristle Filament hooklink.

A chod rig is a type of helicopter rig, where the lead is positioned at the end of the line, with the hook further up on a anti-tangle system.

It’s designed to be fished on silty or soft lake bottoms as the lead will sink into the mud, but the bait stays on top.

It certainly worked for Andy!

  • OXFORD specimen hunter Geoff Adams did a 72-hour session on a Colne Valley pit and was rewarded with three double-figure tench weighing 12.4.0, 11.10.0 and 10.5.0.

He targeted a clear gravel hump about 45 yards out in six feet of water and baited up with maggot, hemp and groundbait.

He used 10lb Berkley Big Game mainline, 6lb Kryston Silkworm and a size 12 ESP hook to which he hair-rigged three maggots, although the biggest fish took a rubber corn and caster cocktail.

Besides the three doubles, Geoff also landed tench weighing 9.6.0, 9.4.0 and a couple of eights.

  • IF you have any news, views or photos, you can contact me on 01865 725606 or email andrew@webber