Oxford Boxing Academy’s Ben Kaluza collected his eighth win of an impressive season after seeing off the challenge of experienced rival John McDonagh at the Boston Dome nightclub in London.

The 15-year-old Bicester lightweight was quicker into his stride and scythed through the guard with a succession of strategic jabs.

McDonagh, realising the limitations of his own defence, became more frustrated as the bout progressed and was repeatedly hanging on to limit the artillery aimed in his direction.

The Finchley teenager was walking a tightrope with the officials and he incurred the displeasure of the referee with two public warnings for persistent holding – he came close to disqulaification.

Kaluza’s greater power and variety of punches gave the judges an easy task as he romped to a comprehensive points win.

Meanwhile, the concluding show of the Home Counties season takes place at Berinsfield’s gym in Fane Drive tomorrow with a 1.30pm start.

The Mini Minors competition provides an opportunity for the youngest generation of boxers to demonstrate their skills under tournament conditions.

Competition coordinator and Berinsfield chief coach Mel Corrigan said: “The young lads know it is the last show of the season and always seem to pull out the stops for a memorable afternoon of boxing.

Admission is £10 for adults with concessions for children.