Too many dogs, too many trainers and the loss of Tuesday racing – it all adds up to tough financial times for the Oxford trainers.

Reports suggest that the handlers’ turnover is down between 25 and 33 per cent, with the current racing strength struggling to get regular runs.

The racing office have cut the number of triallists to eight per trainer because they have more than enough hounds on the strength already.

Paddy Curtin, who has a kennel strength nearing 40, admitted: "It is a struggle at the moment. I am forced to go open racing with dogs to make sure the owners get a run and that can't be right."

Oxford are fortunate to stage two BAGS meetings per week.

Curtin said: "I don't think any track could survive without BAGS these days.

"I also question the economic decision of taking on another trainer when we had more than enough on the racing strength and at the time owners were getting regular runs."

Trainer Johnny Mayo, who has a smaller kennel, admits that he hasn't found much difference in his annual turn-over.

However, Mayo, who char-ges only £5 per day kennel fees, whereas some are up to £8, said: "The larger kennels are getting their fees in, but their owners are not getting regular runs.

“In fairness, if I had a big kennel I would probably be feeling the pinch.”

Ian Wills, one of the trainers hit by the problem, tried the sell a half-share in his top open racer, Silver Duff Jet, for £1,000 and nobody would take up the offer.

Silver has now been sold to Heather Dimmock and has won £1,800 in his career so far.

Although, there may be plenty of dogs at Cowley, many owned by the trainers, it appears it is very difficult in the current climate to attract new owners.

  • Eight-time winner Firelikeafox was among the award winners at the Owners’ Association meeting on Thursday.

Other awards went to Vancouver Sol (100 races), Rockies Fantasy and Katie Dear.

Meanwhile, Richard Yea-tes’s top prospect, Alfie Sparra, is off open racing after impressing in the top-notch A1 event here last Saturday, when Deposit Box’s connections were also celebrating following a 9-4 success.