OXFORD United supporters group OxVox have hit out at Football Conference chairman Brian Lee, after he told them that he was against handing out points deductions.

OxVox are still angered that the Football Conference are not admitting their registration system was to blame for Oxford, Crawley, Mansfield and Bognor Regis all being docked points for fielding unregistered players.

And they have now taken their fight to the Football Association.

A strongly-worded letter to the Conference seemed to have done the trick after OxVox were told that the results of an internal review into their archaic system would be made public.

However, the Conference have now done a U-turn, and Lee said that a “communications error” has led to confusion – and that while the findings would be released, the whole report would not.

As a result, OxVox have written to the FA, asking them to intervene and ensure that all findings are made public.

Spokesman Mark Sennett said: “It is simply not sufficient.

“It could lead to so many unanswered questions.

“As a result, we are writing to the FA to ask them to conduct their own review.”

Sennett added that OxVox could not believe it when Lee admitted in a letter to the group that he was against making point deductions.

“He basically said that points should be won on the field, and not lost off it,” Sennett said.

“Then he added that if we had any other ideas as to how teams should be punished, we should let them know.

“The whole thing is a joke – presumably if they are asking people for ideas, they would welcome a public enquiry?

“We just cannot understand why they will not make everything common knowledge – what have they found that they do not want people to know?”

In yesterday’s Non-League paper, Lee was quoted as saying: “Personally – and this is a view shared by many of my colleagues – I am against points deductions.

“The question is, what is the alternative?”

Meanwhile, United dropped to eighth in the Blue Square table after the weekend matches.