The Oxford crew for this year's University Boat Race is the heaviest in the event's 180-year history.

The crew – containing five Olympians – weighed 15st 9lb and 13 ounces on average, beating the previous record of 15st 6lb set in 2005, again by Oxford.

The race, which takes place on Sunday, March 29, will also have one of the heaviest Cambridge crews at 15st 1lb and 13 ounces.

“Some pundits say the heavier crew wins, but we don't take that into account,” said Cambridge coach Chris Nilsson.

“We row well and our spirit and camaraderie has been second to none.”

Of Oxford's crew, New Zealander George Bridgewater – who won an Olympic bronze medal in Beijing – was the heaviest at 16st 6lb and GB Olympic silver medallist Colin Smith the lightest at 13st 9lb.

Oxford coach Sean Bowden's crew are also heavy favourites with bookmakers, but he was also keen to play down the importance of the weight advantage.

“These are two pretty heavy, strong crews so there's not a lot to read into it,” he said.

“You would be disappointed if you could not produce a good crew with the material that we've got.

“These are highly motivated guys, they don't want to lose and they take this stuff extremely seriously.”


Oxford: M Plotkowiak, C Smith, A Hearne, B Harrison, S Hamburger, T Solesbury, G Bridgewater, A Kusurin, cox: C Groshong.

Cambridge: R Weitemeyer, H Pelly, D McEachern, P Marsland, T Ransley, H Cubasch, R Monaghan, S Stafford, cox: R Dowbiggin.