Since the start of the slightly more settled weather, I have been fishing the Kennet at Burghfield in search of a barbel or two.

It has been a bit of a struggle, not only for me, but the rest of the lads who are fishing this stretch, and blanks are not uncommon.

On my latest trip last Saturday, I left Oxford around 5am, and settled in a swim on the top weir. The river was still well up and pushing through, but it looked in good nick.

After baiting up with a dropper using hemp and maggot, I set up a Drennan Oval feeder, one of the old type, a size 12 hook and a back lead about three feet from the feeder.

The first cast produced a good bite that I messed up, then I had a barbel weighing 9.3.0, followed by another of 7.12.0 and that was it.

This stretch holds some huge fish and while I was there, a chap landed a 15.12.0 barbel, but it is not easy fishing and the place just switches off at times.

l THE new 2009 Richworth Linear brochure is full of information on all their waters and is available by phoning 01908 647320, emailing through the Linear website, or writing to The Fishery Manager, 7 Crow Lane, Lower End, Wavendon, MK17 8AR.