THE girls of Barthlomew School, Eynsham, proved unbeatable as they reached the regional finals of the Lady Taverners Under 15 indoor eight-a-side competition.

Five schools entered the Oxfordshire qualifier at Blackbird Leys Leisure Centre and Bartholomew's greatest test came from Lord Williams's, Thame.

In one of several tight finishes, the Eynsham school scrambled home by one run, scoring 49-8 to their opponents' 48-8.

The other schools taking part were Blessed George Napier, Banbury, King Alfred's Wantage, and St Helens & St Katharines, Abingdon.

Rupert Evans, Oxfordshire's cricket development manager, said: "The event was a huge success. It was great to see so many girls taking part. The standard of cricket improved throughout the day which is good for the development of girl’s cricket."

Oxfordshire's under 13 round of the Lady Taverners competition is due to be held at Blackbird Leys on Wednesday, April 1.