The trainers’ championship at Oxford Stadium race looks like going right to the wire, with only one winner separating leader Angie Kibble and reigning champion Ian Wills.

Wills made ground on his main rival last month with five more winners.

But Kibble still holds sway with a narrow one winner lead with just two months to go.

The Forest Hill base of Wills has struck form in the last few weeks, while Kibble has found the going hard, with outsiders Paddy Curtin finishing with 25 winners and Michael Peterson 22.

October winners: P Curtin 25, I Wills 24, M Peterson 22, T Kibble, T Magnasco, B Hannan 20, G Hepden, A Kibble 19, M Massey 13, R Bicknell 11, P Clarke, T Atkins 10, J Mayo, S Rayner 9.

Gilly Hepden and Robert Hannan have both had their explanations accepted by stipendary steward Colin Betteridge at a stewards inquiry this week.

Both Killough Angel and Rooftop View found time in recent wins and no further action will be taken.

Pattinson Construction have agreed that the Stadium's first big race of the year, the Trafalgar Cup will be staged on February 14.