Oxford kick-boxer Paul Dolton is off to the world championships in Athens on Monday, and he’s got his sights set on gold.

The 15-year-old, from Jordan Hill, is aiming to grab the glory for Great Britain in the under 16 section, having taken silver in Malta two years ago.

“I am hoping to win,” said the Cherwell School pupil. “It would be like my dream come true to get the gold.

“I was the favourite to win last time, but the other lad was three years older than me and he just took it on the day.”

Dolton, who has won British and European titles, will be going for gold on three fronts at the championships, which take place from Friday to Sunday As well as the individual competition, he will also be battling it out in the self defence and team fighting.

And he is in confident mood after recovering from a broken knuckle sustained while kickboxing at the end of last year.

“I have been competing at smaller events to warm my-self up for the worlds and I have been winning,” he added.

A member of Windrush Kickboxing Club, his trip to Greece has been made possible with support from mobile home company Romahome, arranged by Jordan Hill resdent Angie Gough, plus hishis school.