Oxfordshire's Premier side bounced back from their heavy defeat by Warwickshire to thrash Herefordshire 35-5 at Wallingford and strengthen their position at the top of Group 4.

Oxon needed a victory to boost their hopes of securing a place in the final stages of the competition, and they did it in style, triumphing 223-137 on shots.

The pairs of David Wiggins and Mike Keevil, and Julian Bradbury and Les Woodward were in sparkling form, winning all four of their matches.

Trevor Brown bagged a brace of singles wins, triumphing 15-13 and 18-5.

In the triples, Marilyn Davies, AJ Brown and Bob Barnard won both of their games, 10-6 and 17-5.

Oxon’s four of Mick Alder, Christine Williams, Ray Claridge and Paul Skidmore were also in commanding form, winning 12-5 and 14-6.

The other four of Anne Sirett, Eric Hasker, Dave Sims and Barrie James just missed out on a double, drawing 11-11 before winning 11-8.

Oxon 223 (35pts), Herefordshire 137 (5)

(Oxon details)

Singles: T Brown won 15-13 & 18-5; N Davies won 12-9 & lost 20-8.

Pairs: D Wiggins & M Keevil won 20-9 & 21-6; J Bradbury & L Woodward won 19-8 & 15-7.

Triples: G Cross, B Cummings & R Wiggins won 14-7 & lost 11-6; M Davies, AJ Brown & B Barnard won 10-6 & 17-5.

Fours: M Alder, C Williams, R Claridge & P Skidmore won 12-6 & 14-6; A Sirett, E Hasker, D Sims & B James drew 11-11 & won 11-8.