Oxford University came from behind to beat Worcester 43-8 with a seven-try show at Iffley Road last night.

Worcester opened the scoring with an unconverted try, before Oxford replied with one of their own from fly half Ross Swanson, converted by Tom Gregory.

And they extended their lead when a winger Will Browne scored their second try, converted by Gregory.

Then a try through the forwards after a series of drives close to the line saw Bert Payne go over.

Just on half-time, Ricky Lutton scored another try, converted by Gregory.

In the second half, Browne went over for his second try, closely-followed by Gregory crashing over after a strong run.

Dark Blues rounded off an excellent display with the try of the match. It started with a break from Browne which saw the ball go through several pairs of hands before the move was straightend by John Burnett who put Tim Catling through for his seventh try in his last four games.

Gregory slotted the conversion to seal an impressive display.

"That was Oxford's most complete performance of the season," said coach Steve Hill.

"In the second half our defence was very resolute and prevented Worcester scoring a single point."

Oxford University: Mahony, Browne, Burnett, Gregory, Catling, Swanson, McKerchar, Lutton, Oliver, Thompson, Kench, Payne, McKeen, Clarke (capt), Wright. Reps: Rosen, Johnson, Van Zyl, Ackroyd, Henry, Allfrey, O’Flanagan.