A DRAMATIC finish to the season saw The White House retain the Premier title on the very last stick of the season, writes Andy Beal.

Going into the last game two points in front of The Gladiators (who will be playing their last ever game at The Gladiator Club due to it closing at the end of the month), White House knew that two points would seal the title in their game at North Leigh FC.

White House started off in superb form, setting and winning the opening leg 31-21. North Leigh hit straight back in the second leg, winning 28-24. North Leigh set the final leg with 29, which proved too much for White House, who responded with 26.

This dropped leg meant that Gladiators needed all three points in their home game against Littlemore British Legion, who themselves needed one point to secure the Section One title.

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Legion set 24 in the opening leg, which proved to be no problem for Gladiators, who hit 28 in reply.

Gladiators then set the next leg with 30 and in reply, the Legion, with a three-doll handicap, started off badly, hitting only 13 with the front half of the team, leaving the back four needing 17 to tie and 18 to win. They fell agonisingly one short with 29.

The last leg meant a win for Gladiators would force a play-off in the Premier and a win for Legion meant they would be Section One champions.

Gladiators set the final leg with a beatable 25, and a steady reply by Legion left anchorman Kevin Stuart needing four to win.

After whipping off the doll with his first three sticks, it looked an assured conclusion, however Stuart missed with his next two sticks, before clanging off the doll with his final stick, to the frustration of the Gladiators players and the roars of victory from Legion and White House.

Chris Jenkins hit his second successive 15 for Gladiators (5-5-5) while Brian Lester hit his best score of the season with 13 (3-5-5) for Legion.

Oxford Mail:

The race for the Section Two title was just as dramatic with The Catherine Wheel ‘C’ and Masons Arms ‘A’ both going into their last games level.

Catherine Wheel were at home to The Blackbird and won the opening leg 22-18, however chasing a set of only 15 in the next leg, they collapsed dramatically to hit only 10 in reply. A set of 19 was enough to secure the last leg when Blackbird hit 15 in reply.

Masons were away at the most in-form team of the league, Duke of Monmouth, who were on a 10-game unbeaten run.

Chasing a set of 18 in the first leg, Masons hit 20 in reply. The Duke banged in a set of 26 in the second leg, and Masons replied with 17.

Masons knew they needed the last leg to give themselves a chance of a play-off, and set 22. A good reply from The Duke left anchorman Lee Worrall needing five to tie and six to win, but he fell one short with four.

SIXERS: D Behan (Yarnton), P Turner (Duke of Monmouth), N Edmonds (Six Bells ‘C’), D Ross (Cowley Workers), I McAteer (White House).

BLOBBERS: G Roynon (New Club ‘B’), S Warman (The George).

TOP DOLL SCORERS: 15: C Jenkins (Gladiators); 14: T Lester (Six Bells B); 13: K Baker (Gladiators), B Lester (Littlemore), D Behan (Yarnton), S Ward (Black Horse A).