THE wallchart went up weeks ago, time for the Euros to begin. This week’s Oxonian is a simple Sofa Dweller’s guide to following the action, a ‘To Do List’ to get the most out of the next few weeks.

1. Finish all box sets

If you are halfway through Eric or slogging your way through Bridgerton, now is the time to binge-watch for all you’re worth. There is no way you will be able to slot in a crafty episode of Ripley between the three games a night in the group stages. Cram your watching in now. Actually, if you’ve just started Bridgerton, stop now. That’s life coach advice rather than football related.

2. Put the wallchart in a prominent position

Available with all good newspapers, and a few bad ones, the wallchart is essential. Online versions are acceptable but there is nothing quite like the thrill of standing there, pen in hand, having forgotten to fill in a physical chart for a couple of days and muttering ‘I know I watched Slovakia against Romania, what on earth was the score?’. Neat handwriting is a must, anyone who goes over the lines is banned from further filling in.

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3. Sweepstake

Tenner in, winner gets the lot. No sympathy for losing finalists. Get the money up front because there is no way Pete from accounts is going to put his money in AFTER drawing Albania.

4. Ignore the sticker book

Recent research shows that it costs close to £900 to complete a tournament sticker album, if you don’t do swapsies. That’s a big commitment. Put the money towards light refreshments instead.

5. Light refreshments

It has become a rule in our house that in order to watch a game you have to provide snacks or drinks related to one of the teams playing in that match. So if Italy are playing Belgium, it’s pizza and Stella night. Not only are you enjoying tasty snacks and beverages, you also educate yourself. Go on, no Googling, what would you eat when Georgia take on Czechia?

6. Do not sit in a pub with more than one telly

This should be rule one really. They will be out of sync and one half of the bar will be celebrating just as you watch Harry Kane trot towards the penalty to win the cup for England. Beware also of the Twitter followers who are ahead of the 30-second broadcast delay.

7. Support your local football club

Pubs are always packed, other than those in Cardiff, so if it’s on at your village/town/local football club go and watch it there. The money they make over the next few weeks may be a lifeline.

8. Look after each other

Emotions run high, people have a drink. Just behave, okay? I don’t want to hear of rampaging crowds in Crowmarsh or ram-raiding in Risinghurst. Enjoy the games, get involved, but remember that it’s only a game…