OXFORD United’s plans for a new stadium will not be discussed at the meeting it was originally earmarked for.

The U’s submitted a full planning application to Cherwell District Council at the end of February, for the construction of a 16,000-capacity ground at The Triangle, south of Kidlington Roundabout.

When the application was validated by the district council at the beginning of March, noted alongside a raft of planning documents was a target decision date of June 21.

That would mean Cherwell’s planning committee looking at United’s stadium proposals at its meeting on June 6.

READ ALSO: U’s chairman on marquee signings and becoming a top 30 club

However, the committee’s agenda has been published on the council website, and the stadium plans have not been included.

A spokesperson for the district council said: “We are still at a relatively early stage in considering the application.

“Both the council and the applicant have detailed technical work underway, including traffic modelling which Oxford United will need to submit to us.

“Therefore the council is not yet in a position to allocate a committee date for the application to be determined.”

Oxford Mail:

Last month, it was announced that heads of terms between the U’s and Oxfordshire County Council for the proposed stadium at The Triangle had been agreed.

The agreement came more than seven months after the local authority’s cabinet approved in principle the lease of land to develop a new stadium.

United’s licence agreement at the Kassam Stadium runs out in 2026.

An alternative site assessment, prepared by Ridge and Partners LLP, and dated February this year, states that after June 30, 2026, the current lease at the Kassam will expire, and the club will have no legal right to occupy the stadium.

The current licence started on July 1, 2021, and expires on June 30, 2026. It does not include any renewal rights or renewal requirements within it, the alternative site assessment says.

The Kassam is owned and operated privately by stadium company Firoka, separate from the football club and owned by former U’s chairman Firoz Kassam.