BOXING: Berinsfield ABC had extra reason to celebrate at their awards evening at the Wagon & Horses in Culham, near Abingdon - after being awarded a grant of £206,000 from South Oxfordshire District Council.

The cash is to be used for improved and expanding their gym.

However, the award is conditional on the club matching the grant with £140,000 raised from their own resources.

Chief coach Mel Corrigan said: "Getting the money from the council was tremendous news, but everyone connected with Berinsfield knows that a determined fund-raising effort is now needed to get the money in the bank.

"But we are optimistic that the money can be raised as the boxing club has placed itself at the heart of the community and is viewed as a tremendous asset to the village."

The summer months are traditionally viewed as the close season for boxing, but middleweight Ian Jenkins answered his country's call at short notice.

He was pressed into action for his native Wales at less than 48 hours' notice and even moved up to light heavyweight to tackle Mattie Wheeler in the match between the Principality and the British Police squad.

And Jenkins showed no signs of any ring rust as he went on to dominate the encounter against his heavier Woking opponent.

He took control from the bell and proved too slick with the jab for the Surrey man.

Neat moves on the counter left Wheeler mesmerised and struggling to evade the blows aimed in his direction as Jenkins romped to a comprehensive points win.

The Welshman's extra dedication to duty did not go unrewarded at the end-of-season celebrations where he picked up the best stylist award and had a share of the trophy for most wins during the campaign with Josh Lock, Christy McDonagh and Jay Ede.

Will Joyce claimed the trophy for boxers' boxer, Lock was the most promising boxer and Harley Mace gained a special award for reaching the semi-finals of two national championships.

Jordan Flynn picked up the Ray Jeffs Trophy as the outstanding boxer.

AWARD WINNERS Boxers' boxer: W Joyce. Derek Sadler Trophy: W Healy & M Redmond. Furthest in Championship: H Mace. Most wins: I Jenkins, J Lock, C McDonagh & J Ede. Best bout: S Welsh & R Tyler. Most promising boxer: J Lock. Best stylist: I Jenkins. Alf Galley Trophy (most dedicated boxer): R Eccleston. Ray Jeffs Trophy (outstanding boxer): J Flynn. TK Cup (service to club): C McDonagh.