KIDLINGTON chairman Nick Duval says he may quit in the wake of their on and off-field problems this season.

Duval said he would ask for a vote of confidence as he mounted a keen defence of himself and the club in an exclusive interview.

The latest incident affecting Kidlington saw a Cherwell League charge against Duval for verbally abusing and intimidating a 13-year-old boy unproven.

Their first team are struggling at the bottom of the Home Counties Premier League, while captain Shahbaz Ali fielded a player under a false name in a Cockspur Cup match.

Duval said: "I have to consider my future. There have been quite a few difficult situations this season.

"I will at some point be looking to the committee for a vote of confidence because I have to do that.

"I'm not that stupid or pig-headed. I am not a dictator - I probably do too much at this club, but do these things because I love the club.

"If the committee want me to resign then I would do so.

"I would love to see someone come in and help with fresh ideas."

Last week's Cherwell League disciplinary hearing still rankles with Duval, who admitted he had a great deal to lose if he had been found guilty.

"I have no intention of hiding from the truth," said Duval.

"I believe in the process. The right thing was done.

"I had a hearing, but I don't think it was a fair hearing.

"I had a chance to call my witnesses and have representation.

"The most important point about that was that the ECB code of conduct says that I could have a colleague to represent me, whether that's a dustman, a solicitor or someone from the newspaper.

"I definitely had something to lose."

Duval cited as an example the Kwik Cricket festival Kidlington organised for 188 primary school children.

"Why would I swear at a 13-year-old boy and do that?" he said.

"I'm the child welfare officer here. I can give you a handout, which shows you what we do in the case of something like that.

"We were the first club to get child welfare accreditation in the county.

"I just don't understand. Why would I risk losing that?

"Why would I do that is the question that I keep asking people around the club.

"I'm 55, I have played cricket since I was 12. I have been involved as chairman here since 1980. Why would I do this?"

There has been plenty of ill feeling towards Duval and Kidlington this season. What does he put that down to?

"People are always going to be jealous of a team that has been very successful.

"But we are victims of our own success now.

"I'm fair game to be criticised, I'm happy with that, but I would like people to put their names behind some of these statements.

"It's unfair to criticise other people in the club.

"I have made mistakes and have apologised to people when I'm proved wrong.

"When we won the Oxfordshire Cup in 2002, you could have knocked me over with a feather. I was so happy.

"But it was an amazing scenario as we were suddenly disliked."