Terry Kibble was the main in form at Sunday's BAGS meeting with an 800-1 four-timer.

Among the quartet was Brindle Lad, a winner in his previous race an A6 in 27.22secs.

His penalty was a three-grade elevation, but it made little difference as he duly won in 27.56 at a handsome 8-1.

  • PADDY Curtin's old stager, The Pantheon, is turning out to be an owners dream.

The black dog, voted Greyhound of the Year in 2004, is now six years old and shows no sign of flagging.

He has won is last two races and in a 157-race career has a one-in-five strike rate, having won 33 races.

  • GLORIA Stringer, who retires this month due to ill health, will be holding her retirement party in the Executive suites on Tuesday where all fellow trainers and staff are invited to join her.
  • POSITIVE Step, Maurice Massey's top four-bend hound won his open at Coventry, as did Paddy Curtin's Farloe Ferdinand at Monmore.

Meanwhile, keep an eye on Michael Peterson's May Morning Blue, Ian Wills's Droopys Harewood and Angie Kibble's two youngsters, Kingsbrook Ciara and Kingsbrook Tasha.

  • THE Oxford Retired Greyhound Trust stage an all-trophy meeting on Tuesday.
  • THERE will be no trial sessions on Monday, May 5, May 26 or June 6.