Wallingford coach Chris Norrington admitted his surprise that they were leading at half-time.

But he was more than happy with their improvement after the break.

Norrington said: "In the first half, we hardly got into their 22 and when we did we scored!

"I couldn't believe that we were 5-3 ahead at half-time and I told the players that.

"But we put it all right in the second half. The lads rose to the challenge.

"I've promised myself not to worry about next season for now and enjoy tonight.

"The players have proved they can play South West 2 level rugby.

"That was a well-deserved win.

"We were under pressure early on, but we could have scored three more tries in the second half."

Captain Kris Blaszko added: "I think our defence in the first half was really good and we seemed to cut loose in the second half."