Goalkeeper Jason Valinder starred as Arncott lifted their first Jersey Cup with a 1-0 victory over KEA.

Valinder was named man-of-the-match in the 120th final after making some superb saves, particularly as KEA pushed forward in the second half.

Anthony Davidson scored Arncott's winner midway through the first half.

KEA came closest to scoring when Nathan Hunt and Cleve Edwards hit the woodwork, while captain Charlie Bone had an excellent game.

Valinder was ably supported by his experienced defence of Nick Smith, Lewis Smith, Nick Cameron and Paul Anderson as Arncott held on for victory.

KEA manager Gary Waddock said: "We must have had 40 shots compared with three from Arncott, but it wasn't to be.

"Things didn't go according to plan for us, but it was a well-deserved first trophy for Arncott, who are a good club."