Headington Amateurs slumped to their worst home defeat in three seasons in Sport Italia Hellenic League Division 1 West as they were thrashed 5-0 at home by Winterbourne United.

To make matters worse they played the second half with ten men after James Grey was sent off.

Winterbourne took the lead when Scott Cameron was allowed time and space to turn and pick his spot from eight yards. With 15 minutes gone, Cameron doubled the score, sidefooting home from a low cross.

Despite their best efforts, Headington always looked vulnerable on the break and they found themselves three down, with Neil Stovold scoring in the 25th minute.

Home keeper Dan Bianchini pulled off a classy save from point blank range to prevent Winterbourne increasing their lead.

Headington could have scored after the break with a penalty but Nathan Clanton hit the post. Almost immediately, Winterbourne made the game safe through Dan Cook, and Ben Walker completed the rout in injury time.