Looking at last week's encouraging match results, the July floods do not seem to have affected the fish as seriously as some of us thought, writes ANDY WEBBER.

I must admit I have been surprised how well our rivers are fishing, and long may it continue.

The Environment Agency Fishery staff who have been out and about helping stranded fish deserve a big vote of thanks.

But for some, the after-effects are still being felt.

Farmoor Fly Fishing Club's Darlow Water at Hardwick is slowly returning to its normal water levels, although there is still significant damage around the lake, car park and road.

Heavy groundwork machines will be needed to repair the bank by the neighbouring brook and the car park will need resurfacing.

Once a full safety check has been carried out, the club hope to re-open for fishing shortly. For more information, contact Brian Holloway on 01235 529552.

Alongside Darlow, Linear Fisheries are re-opening St Johns, Manor and Hardwick/Smiths Lakes from Monday.

Arrangements for their other lakes will be ann- ounced in due course.

Some fish have obviously been lost in the floods, and there will be a stocking programme started as soon as they get the all-clear from the Environment Agency.

Linear's directors asked me to pass on their thanks to everyone for offering their help.