Farmoor Fly Fishing Club’s Darlow Water did not escape the effects of the prolonged hot weather that affected all stillwater trout fisheries throughout the area this summer.

The conditions, similar to those suffered in the 1990s, have badly affected fishing returns at the Hardwick fishery, and some fish died.

Measures to replace these have been taken with two restocking sessions.

Early-season results were even better than those of 2012, with a recorded catch of 3,900 trout.

Many of these were around 3-4lb, with a rod average of 2.2lb over the first three months.

The introduction of ‘Blues’ over the past two years has been well received, with tales of encounters, both won and lost, with these energetic sub species of rainbow trout.

Some more of these were included in the latest restock.

Members fishing the tail-end of the season will find that fish still rising to the dry fly and emergers, as well as taking small nymphs and buzzers.

The club are approaching their 50th year and members are urged to attend the AGM next month.

Details will be posted out to all members.