OXFORD City’s veterans upstaged their younger teammates in the English Road Relay Championships at Sutton Park, Birmingham.

City’s men finished 60th out of 78 teams, having qualified for the high-level event after a long absence.

But it was 46-year-old Julian Richardson and 48-year-old Steve Male who produced their best split times for the challenging 5.85km course.

Richardson clocked 19mins 25secs on the opening leg, followed by Male (19.27).

Les Newell (19.50) was the only Oxford senior man to break 20mins, with Aaron Burgess (20.02), Matthieu Marshall (20.44) and Ed Mezzetti (20.45) completing the side.

Steve Naylor, from Combe, was Bedford & County’s leading runner, clocking 17.55secs on leg one.

However, with Bedford’s next fastest runner 30 seconds slower than Naylor, the team finished 24th.