Chris Wilder emphasised the importance of having strength in depth as two substitutes scored vital goals to keep Oxford United top of the league.

Sean Rigg and Alfie Potter were forced off with injuries, but their replacements, Asa Hall and James Constable, both struck in the 3-1 win at Torquay United.

Deane Smalley opened the scoring, but only after the U’s had weathered a lengthy spell of pressure in the first half.

The third straight win saw them stay as league leaders on goal difference from the only other side with a 100 per cent record, Southend United.

Wilder was delighted with the qualities his side had shown and felt the victory highlighted the role of the players trying to get into the starting line-up.

The United manager said: “I’ve talked all along of the attitude of the team and that doesn’t just involve 11 players.

“I’m delighted for Asa and Beano (Constable) because they’ve come on and played a major part in us getting a win.”

The game was played out in difficult conditions and a strong wind meant the visitors were up against it before the break.

Wilder said: “We were a touch disappointed in the first half because we felt we should have passed it a little better when we got clear.

“But it was difficult because they squeezed right on top of us and didn’t give us any time. They dominated the first half so to get in at half-time at 0-0 was a decent effort.”

He added: “They could quite easily have been in front at half-time and we had to defend with our lives, which is necessary on days like this.

“We had to stick in there and show good defensive qualities. Then when the game opened up we had good players who can pass it and finish.”

The only downside to the afternoon was the two injuries.

Potter left the field with blood gushing from a wound across his nose which required three stitches.

He should be fine to play against Wycombe this weekend, but Rigg’s hamstring injury looked far more concerning and is likely to keep the winger out for at least a month.

Wilder said: “It all depends what grade it is, but it will be a minimum of four to six weeks.”

Despite the victory, Wilder was disappointed by two decisions which went against his side.

Trailing 2-0, Torquay United pulled a goal back when a quick throw-in caught out the visitors, allowing Karl Hawley to cross for Jordan Chapell to pull a goal back.

But Wilder felt that the goal should have been chalked off.

He said: “We have talked with the defenders that we need to react a bit quicker, but the ball went in the stand. It was quick thinking from their boy to pick another ball out of the bag and chuck it in.

“But it’s not multi-ball, so the goal shouldn’t have been allowed.”

The other complaint was for an earlier penalty claim, when Alfie Potter was kicked in the head as Aaron Downes attempted to clear his lines.

It forced Potter off the pitch and needing three stitches.

“We were also a bit disappointed not to get a penalty, because he took his head off,” Wilder said.

“If it was anywhere else on the pitch it would have been a foul and it was in the penalty box.”