Grove won promotion to South West 1 East after a six-try display, but it was far from easy. Here is the numbers' game. See Tuesday’s paper for full report.

Southern Counties play-off: Grove 39, Trowbridge 20

Grove player ratings

15. Roger Sevier 7 (effective game).

14. Harry Carr 8 (took his tries well).

13. Jamie Burns 6 (played his part).

12. Joe Bellinger 8 (powerful effort).

11. Guy Nicholl 7 (scored decisive try).

10. Dave Maryon 7 (some good touches).

9. Owen Gustafson 7 (full of invention).

1. James Eckert 7 (decent all-round effort).

2. Steve Dixey 6 (battled hard)

3. Tim Lane 7 (strong game until injury).

4. Lee Wright 6 (worked hard)

5. Paul Miles 7 (very determined)

6. Carl Alder 6 (got stuck in)

7. Dave Wells 8 (all action game)

8. Ben Nicholl 8 (STAR MAN, a driving force)

Replacements used:

17. Martyn Walsh 6 (worked hard)

18. Tom Clipsham 6 (solid effort)

19. Nick Sevier 6 (not at his best)

Referee: Andrew Gaynor (London) – 6 (strict, but fair)

Entertainment rating: 8.

Highlight: The interplay for Harry Carr's first try.

Lowlight: Too many risky off-loads from Grove.

Form guide: Grove's try-scoring power proved decisive.