HENLEY Hawks fly half James Comben has warned fellow players against naivety after his six-month ban for an anti-doping violation.

Comben tested positive for the prohibited stimulant methylhexanamine after app-earing for Wasps A team against Exeter Braves in an Aviva A League match at Henley in November.

His ban lasts from the date of the positive test being notified – December 21 – but it was not announced until Friday.

Comben said: “There has been a huge amount of learning for me through this process.

“I would really stress to all athletes that extreme caution needs to be taken even with innocent looking products.

“Regrettably naivety or lack of awareness is no defence in these situations.

“I feel gutted that I have not been around at the club for the second half of the season and wish the boys the best of luck for the last few games.”

Henley said the judgement against Comben, who has not played since, showed he “did not intend to enhance his sporting performance”.

The club added: “As a direct result of this, the panel were satisfied that the minimum sanction of two years was eligible for reduction (to six months).”

Hawks director of rugby Mike Poulson said: “We want to reiterate our total support as a club for the RFU’s stand and all its actions to eradicate prohibitive substance violations from our sport.

“We have, and will, give James and his family our full support and welcome him back into our fold with big lessons learned.”