A HOST of past Oxford United players will be in action this weekend for a charity game.

Les Phillips and Alan Judge, members of the 1986 Milk Cup-winning team, are on the Oxford United Legends side, along with the likes of Joey Beauchamp and Chris Allen this Sunday.

They will be up against the SpecialEffect Allstars, whose squad features Jim Rosenthal, Timmy Mallett, Steve Basham, Chris Willmott and Jamie Cook.

The game at Oxford City’s Marsh Lane will raise money for Oxfordshire children’s charity SpecialEffect and the Charlotte Nott Trust Fund.

United have been involved in several events with five-year-old Charlotte, who lost her limbs to meningitis as a baby.

Almost £2,500 has been raised already at justgiving.com/SpecialEffectvOxfordUnitedLegends.

Kick-off is at 1pm, tickets are £5 for adults, £2.50 for concessions and under-fives go free.