A LONG-awaited kidney dialysis unit has been officially opened to serve patients in the north of the county.

A ribbon was cut at the Horton General Hospital’s new dialysis unit yesterday by hospital chief executive Sir Jonathan Michael and Banbury MP Tony Baldry.

The machines at the new unit, staffed by two new nurses, can treat 21 patients a day and will serve patients from Chipping Norton to Brackley who need dialysis three days a week.

Kidney patients in the Bicester area will continue to get treatment in Oxford.

Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust bosses said the unit could expand if there was a surge in demand.

Chris Heath said her late husband Eric would have loved to have seen the new unit.

Mr Heath, a former Cherwell District Council leader, used to have to travel to the Churchill three times a week for dialysis but sadly died just before Christmas.

Mrs Heath, from Bloxham, gave around £900 donated at her husband’s funeral to the new unit.

She said: “He was so desperate for the new unit to be opened.

“Going to Oxford meant having dialysis all in all was a ten-hour process.

“He would have loved to see it. I did shed a few tears today but that was the only sad part of the day.”