Committee meeting this week so perhaps there will be something madly exciting to report on the drama front next time. The Blandy Boffins village quiz is later this week and the Drama Group is fielding two teams in this annual event held in the school hall. Full report and results next blog.

Regular readers will know that this day in 1958 was the last time Debutantes were presented at Court. I throw this in just in case the question comes up at the quiz and I feel I have helped someone on their way through life today.

Talking to a chap I know in the village, let’s call him Paul, he tells me he has sent my blog link to a fella that used to live here but now resides in La Belle France. This means I now have readers in France and Canada. Possibly non in this country but France and Canada - how very international.

No news on Chuffer this week other than the poor old boy was off colour for the quiz on Sunday. Suffering from shock from his car prang they reckon. His romance seems to have bitten the dust too, still spring is in the air……………… Went to see the film Young Victoria this week and what a disappointment that turned out to be. Dull is the word that jumps to my mind. The miscasting was a little obvious too. To quote my paper Emily Blunt playing Victoria who was well known to be short, plain and tubby even as a child was like casting Keira Knightley as the lead in the Anne Widdecombe story. Even Emily Blunt couldn’t move this piece along and I have to say it wasn’t my favourite afternoon spent in a cinema.

Still, as I like to spread good news about, and that’s why I don’t work for the BBC, I should like to make mention of a meal we had as a family this week at the Blue Boar in Longworth. Best meal out I’ve had in a while I can tell you. (Besides Sunday Lunch at my son’s pub of course) Excellent service, great food and reasonable prices. It gets four stars in my forthcoming book called ‘I wish I had eaten there now.’ So that’s it for this week. I am actually going to the Playhouse to see ‘Life with Beth’ so another critical analysis next blog. Oh yes. However I wouldn’t like to leave you without some further help on the quiz front and here is a little tip I picked up this week on how to treat the different sexes. Take heed.

HOW TO TREAT A WOMAN: Wine her, dine her, call her, hold her, surprise her. compliment her, smile at her, listen to her, laugh with her, cry with her, romance her, encourage her, believe in her, pray with her, pray for her, cuddle with her, shop with her, give her jewellery, buy her flowers, hold her hand, write love letters to her, go to the ends of the earth and back again for her.

HOW TO TREAT A MAN: Show up naked. Bring chicken wings. Don't block the TV.