I was disappointed this week that I was unable to make it to the Gloucester Green market, which is always packed with interesting second-hand book stalls, so I shall make it a date next week.

But I have still managed to pick up one or two interesting volumes here and there.

On my return from holiday, I passed Arcadia in St Michael Street and managed to stop myself from going into the shop but I couldn't resist temptation completely, and spotted The Honourable Schoolboy in paperback by John le Carre.

It cost £1 and I'm sure it will be worth every penny, forming the second book in the Karla's Game trilogy, starting with Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and ending with Smiley's People.

I must confess that I have not yet finished Absolute Friends and The Perfect Spy by the same author, so I must be careful that le Carre's books are perhaps easier to start than to finish.

A trip to St Clement's also proved interesting. The Age Concern shop on the East Oxford street was packed with interesting second-hand books, including first editions of Summoned by Bells by John Betjeman and Travels With My Aunt by Graham Greene, in an attractive dust jacket.

I would have snapped up the two books but someone at the charity had been doing their homework and I couldn't afford the £30 for the pair.

A little further down the street, in the St Andrew's Christian bookshop, which this year celebrates its 60th anniversary, a small second-hand section has opened at the rear of the store, and I picked up a few pocket-sized hymnals for just a few pence. I shall return when I get the chance.

And at the Helen House charity shop in High Street, Abingdon, I did find a bargain.

A two-volume set of Seven Pillars of Wisdom by TE Lawrence cost me only £3. Yes, it was a Book Society reprint from 1939, but in the current climate I can't be too choosy.