The time has come for the Tri Chick to fly the nest.

I don't want to ruffle any feathers - or make any more cr*p bird jokes - so here's the serious bit...

After four years here @ Oxford Mail HQ, I am now leaving the journalism world, having been fortunate enough to secure sufficient funding to concentrate on triathlon full-time.

The loyal support of my main sponsors - and Morris Owen Accountants of Swindon - is enabling me to make huge steps forward as an athlete.

This is obviously a very exciting time for me, not least because I'm heading off to Australia for winter training at the end of November.

I want to ensure I start the 2009 season stronger, fitter and faster than ever before and can't wait to begin training and preparing body and mind for all this entails.

Today has been my last day working at the Oxford Mail.

I started here in November 2004 with my heart set on becoming a Fleet Street journo and thought I'd only be here long enough to get the experience needed to head to London.

The Blenheim Tri in May 2005 was probably the beginning of the end of that dream. Ever since, I have lived and breathed triathlon and I guess I am very lucky to have a lot of natural talent in a sport I absolutely love.

It is funny to think I might never have got into triathlon were it not for this newspaper. I know for certain I would not have got as far as I have without the support of a few characters here, so huge thanks to Simon O’N, Dickie, Tri Chicken & all the Wednesday lunchtime running gang.

Although I will no longer be blogging on this site, you can follow my progress through my own website, which I will be launching soon. Keep an eye on, which should be live by Friday, November 7, 2008.

All the best, Tri Chick