MYRA MAYCOCK, from Kidlington, contacted us following our piece about the 50th birthday of the “new” Donnington road bridge last week.

She wrote: “While the report by Rhianne Pope was good, what a shame a picture of the beautiful “old” bridge removed was not included.

“I lived in Weirs Lane both sides, the white houses then had no bathrooms, from a toddler until I was 20 years old.

“We had larger gardens, trees and gaslights, a gentleman’s loo, a siren and behind the beautiful large tree, a cottage.

“My late father came from Wales with many others to work and I’m sure he helped build the “old” bridge. A picture please.”

Having dug into the archives, I’m happy to emerge (slightly dusty) with this image for Mrs Maycock, of the old footbridge in the foreground and the road bridge in the background under construction, taken, I believe, in 1962.

ON Monday, August 27, we carried a story about an Olympic themed summer school preparing youngsters for their arrival at secondary school.

The picture caption said Courtney Smith was making a tea light stand in a technology class.

In fact, the picture – which was supplied to us by Oxford Academy with the incorrect information – was of fellow Pegasus Primary School pupil Caitlin Campbell.