WHAT I AM CALLED: Justine Oakley.


WHAT I DO: I am a teaching assistant in a local primary school, in a Year One class. As well as working full time, in September I will start my third year at Brookes studying for my BA (Hons) in early childhood studies. I hope to pursue a career in child psychology.

WHERE I LIVE: I live in Littlemore.

WHO I LOVE: I love my family and best friends – I don’t need anyone else at the moment.

HAPPIEST YEAR: My happiest year is definitely this one so far. I love my job, friends and life in general.

DARKEST MOMENT: My darkest moment was six years ago, before I bought my house. I was overweight, unhealthy, hated where I lived and had a negative outlook. I sorted myself out by dealing with one thing at a time, starting with the house.

PROUDEST BOAST: My proudest boast is either achieving a merit for my foundation degree and graduating at the age of 36 or learning how to breathe fire last year.

WORST WEAKNESS: My worst weakness is that I can’t say no to things. I want to help people out and take on too much sometimes.

LESSONS LEARNED: I have learned two big lessons. One is, when I was younger I learned there are always people worse off than me and I shouldn’t moan – I should appreciate that I have my health, my family and a roof over my head.The other one is that my mum is always right.

DULLEST JOB: I have had quite a few very different jobs in the past and I can honestly say not one of them has been dull. I made sure of it.

GREATEST SHAME: My greatest shame was from 12 years ago. It started off with a little white lie to skive off work. It escalated over time and people ‘felt really sorry for me’ and bought me flowers. I still can’t say what I said at the time – I am very ashamed.

LIFE LONG HERO: My childhood heroes were Robin of Sherwood and Worzel Gummidge but I haven’t replaced them with a lifelong hero.

OLDEST FRIEND: My oldest friends are my school friends.

WIDEST SMILE: The greetings I get from the children every morning. They are so pleased to see me and are so affectionate that their big smiles make me smile inside.

FAVOURITE DREAM: I am lying on a beach, sipping cocktails, no cares in the world, and then I wake up.

BIGGEST REGRET: I have no regrets. I might have thought that I shouldn’t have done something at the time but there’s no point dwelling on it.