Autumn's here and what better way to spend my time but walking down the towpath with a pram.

This is a gorgeous part of Oxford and a great route to town, especially at this time of year and with the recent couple of weeks of good weather.

But I just want to be on my bike (stamps feet!) and here I am negotiating the dogs and toddlers with my cumbersome pram and I want to be speeding along at breakneck speed with the jacket flying out at the back like a Supergirl cape (as described by my five year old). But how can you get a 16-week-old baby, who only lies down, on a bike?

I’m certainly ready for the next stage when I can get my soon-to-be sitting up baby into a baby bike seat; I’ve had the back bike seat (which was given to me) since she was about four weeks old and last week, I was given a small baby seat — one that goes in front of you on the crossbar.

The small baby seat is something that gives me a strange sensation other people get looking at booties or other small baby clothes.

I don’t know if you’ve witnessed it but on these people appears a glazed look in the eyes (like a politician caught telling 'porkies') and they start to gibber incomprehensibly "gaa googey gaa gaa" — not Danish, no, this is in fact baby talk.

I’m not sure why this happens — I certainly can’t understand why people would get like this by looking at a mini pair of slippers for newborn babies — and they can’t even wear them!

Well, whatever the reason, I got this gooey over a itty bitty cutie wutie little bike seat.

I can’t wait to fit it to the crossbar. In fact I’ve been practising sitting the baby up so she’ll be ready just that little bit earlier. One drawback I’ve started to realise is that it’s going to be getting cold by the time I can get her cycling.

In Holland, they have loads of cutie baby bike seats, but they also have visors to go at the front.

They do look a bit like the visors on the motorbikes on ‘70’s cop shows, but they are really useful because not only do they stop your child getting splatted by lots of flies as you tear along, but also they keep off the wind as it gets colder (this obviously makes a real difference to how happy you’ll keep the baby...).

Another thing I need to look at is how small the bike helmets go. My baby seems so small at the moment you could fit an egg shell on her head!

I’ve got a baby-padded-warm-body-suit-thing, but unfortunately it’s pink — I’m so not ready for this whole pink wearing malarkey.

I just want to be able to get her dressed and out the door as that’s what I managed with my two older boys — having a girl is totally alien.

One good thing to invest in is a fleece-lined waterproof body suit, then you can theoretically take kids out in any weather. Actually, I’m going to get her a go faster yellow jersey like on the Tour-de-France.

If I have to play the dressing up thing, I’m going to go for real style!