This is a reader's letter sent to the Oxford Mail. You can send in a letter to be considered for publication by sending your views to We welcome letters on any subject up to a limit of 250 words. 

Everyone sensible agrees there are too many cars in Oxford for a city of its size.

But traffic doesn’t just harm the commuters whose bus isn’t on time. And traffic doesn’t just harm the children whose bike ride isn’t safe.

Driving to the hospital and stuck in traffic? Too many cars in Oxford.

Circling the streets for somewhere to park? Too many cars in Oxford.

Looking out for potholes? Too many cars in Oxford (especially, destructive 4x4s).

Every journey which can be made in another way helps reduce traffic congestion. And clearer roads make essential journeys faster - for everyone.

It’s in everyone’s interest to support low traffic. Most of all, drivers.

Owen McKnight