Certain mischief makers, who shall remain nameless, were quick to point out the apparent laziness of Conservative councillors in holding a photoshoot last week at The Living Room (a trendy bar which is just a stone's throw from County Hall).

Far from us to say the event was shameless electioneering, but a press release spluttered something about introducing a 20mph limit in all residential streets in Oxford. A coincidence, coming as it did just a fortnight before the May 1 elections?

The small print came later from Keith Mitchell, right, the leader of Oxfordshire County Council, who said: "We now need to decide if it is feasible...in order to have a blanket order covering 20mph zones we would need extensive public consultation."

So, no zones for a while then.

Hands up who saw Jean Fooks being chased around the Town Hall by Dom Joly this week for his Channel 5 show The Complainers? Hilarious, wasn't it! Mr Joly lugged a box full of rotting food to the Town Hall in a bid to quiz the city councillor on the merits of the city's recycling scheme and fortnightly waste collections.

Alas, poor Jean was hauled away from the prankster by an over-protective press officer - who then proceeded to apologise to Mr Joly for his wasted journey. Only in Oxford.

If you, like thousands of people across the city, are suffering from election fatigue you probably will not have seen the latest election propaganda from the Liberal Democrats.

It says: "Across the city now people are saying whatever happens this may 1st (sic), don't go back to Labour. Don't go back to dirty streets, don't go back to soaring council tax, don't go back to neglected services."

Don't go back to grammatical errors, more like. The final paragraph of the error-strewn pamphlet reads: "We don't know who will win the general election (sic), but we can say with confidence that it will be either the Lib Dems or Labour and that it will be very very close."

Hum. Well, we can say with confidence it will not be the Lib Dems.